
• Auger

Auger boring is a horizontal drilling technique used to install pipes and conduits without digging. It is also known as trenchless technology.

How it works

• A steel pipe is driven through the ground from a main shaft to a receiving shaft.

• A drill bit is used to drill into the soil or rock and install the pipe.

• Debris is removed from inside the pipe using a rotating auger.


• It is used in underground construction.

• It is used at interference junctions such as roads, canals, railways, runways and taxiways.

• It is used to install utilities under railroad tracks, roads and levies.


• It is faster and less expensive than other tunneling methods.

• Reduces the probability of ground settlement.

• Minimizes impact on the surface.


• In colder climates, the ground can freeze or develop permafrost, making drilling difficult.

We work with great experience

• Slick Bore

Is a drilling method used to install large diameter pipes. It is also known as mud drilling or wet drilling.

Drilling process

The product pipe is welded to the end of the installed drill pipe.

  • A winch is connected to the front end of the drill pipe.
  • The winch is used to remove the liner.
  • The product pipe is inserted into place while the drill pipe is removed.


  • Installation of gas and oil pipelines
  • Pipeline construction
  • Pipe branches
  • Splitting and pulling methods
  • Continuous traction operation
  • Expander with cutting blades


  • Limits stress on the product pipeline
  • Allows for precise installation
  • Can be reused for next mud drilling

Security considerations

  • Slick Bore focuses on providing a safe working environment for all staff.
  • It has a comprehensive security policy, security training and security compliance programs.

• Hand Tunneling

Hand tunneling is used for utility tunnels, road crossing tunnels, starter tunnels and tunnels connecting structures. They can be round, square, elliptical or horseshoe shaped.

Hand tunneling is used for installing a range of different pipe materials such as:

  • Reinforced concrete pipe
  • Reinforce concrete box segments
  • Fiberglass pipe
  • Steel casings

Some projects require a tunnel liner which a carrier pipe is inserted through. Several different materials can be used as liner:

  • Liner plate
  • Beam and lagging
  • Wood box tunnel

The type of liner used will depend on soil conditions and project requirements.

With hand tunneling, the workers require enough space in which to excavate the soil, so the usual minimum size of pipe that can be installed using hand tunneling is 48 inches. A tunneling shield is often used to support the tunnel as it is excavated, help steer the direction of the dig, and to provide safety for the workers.

• Installation of pvc and concrete pipes

Installing PVC and concrete pipes involves preparing trenches, laying the pipes, and backfilling them.

PVC pipes

To install PVC pipes, you need PVC primer, PVC cement, pipe cutters and PVC pipes.

  • You should avoid dropping or hitting PVC pipes against each other, as this can break or crack them.
  • The interior of the pipes must be kept free of dirt.
  • Care must be taken not to damage the pipes when placing them in the trench.
  • Each piece of pipe must be filled.
  • concrete pipes
  • To install concrete pipes, Standard Installations technology can be used, which allows for less material and backfill.
  • Proper installation location, inlet and outlet elevations, and pipe length must be verified.
  • The pipe must be supported adequately to avoid damage.
  • The pipe must be filled.