About Us

We work with a great purpose

Company dedicated to providing quality horizontal tunnel drilling and construction services. We have successfully and safely completed more than 1,000 trenchless tunnel projects. Successfully completing all projects.

We carry out all types of trenchless tunnel projects, from pipe driving to microtunnels. We are equipped to handle casing diameters ranging from 8 inches to 12 feet.

Rock drilling is one of our specialties. We have the specialized equipment necessary to drill hard rock formations.

We also handle drilling and tunneling projects in difficult ground conditions, such as soils containing gravel, cobbles, or excess groundwater.

We enforce rigorous safety and medication policies and are committed to the safety and well-being of our employees. We strive to exceed your expectations with our professionalism, punctuality and responsiveness to your needs. With our quality, flexibility and innovative approach to projects.

We are ready to help you with any type of drilling or tunneling project.

We work with quality and professionalism

Always putting impetuousness into work

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Yerri lian Allen

Mr. Yerrilian Allen is a man of cheerful spirit and good humor, whose warmth and professionalism distinguish him in the world of Trenchless Technology drilling. From a young age, he learned the trade from his father and brother, absorbing not only the technique, but also the values ​​of commitment and excellence at work. Over time, he took his knowledge one step further, innovating and perfecting technology until founding his own company. Today, it is a benchmark in the sector, combining experience, vision and exceptional human treatment that make it stand out in its field.